astringent :

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uh strin juhnt

  • n  a drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals
  • s  sour or bitter in taste
  • a  tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue
    astringent cosmetic lotions

  • Although it's a challenge to eat the raw fruit without getting a mouthful of seeds and astringent pith, pomegranates are everywhere now in the form of juice, concentrates and .
  • Though his perpetual jadedness can be infuriating, it's an astringent alternative to government press releases and the network news.
  • Far from a warhorse, the show today looks surprisingly fresh, astringent, meaty and convention-defying.
News & Articles

  • Gather spruce tips while you may.
    For several years the spruce tip oil served at one of my favorite restaurants has had me in thrall. This vivid green liquid is drizzled across a mélange of grains and roasted vegetables and has astringent, slightly resinous flavor.
    July 7, 2013 - Bangor Daily News

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