Demarest Parents On Edge After Alleged Luring Attempt Demarest is a quiet, well-to-do suburb where children walk to and from school under arching shade trees along some streets that don't even have sidewalks. But Monday afternoon, a 12-year-old girl had to run home.
June 18, 2013 - CBS New York
Astrophotos: The Galactic Desert The desert provides some of the most stunning landscapes and skycapes, as evidenced by two recent astrophotos from Universe Today readers. The gorgeous lead image by Sean Parker of Tucson, Arizona is a 12-image panoramic view of the Milky Way arching over Saguaro National Park in Tucson, Arizona. Sean noted on Flickr that if you [...]
June 14, 2013 - Universe Today
Ban Ki-moon in France24 The over-arching message: we can beat this. There are real and affordable ways to deal with climate change,wrote Ban.
Clara Furse in ComputerworldUK The international community's over-arching concern must be to seal a convincing deal at the UN climate convention meeting in Copenhagen in less than 100 days timeone that puts the world on track towards swift and significant cuts in carbon dioxide... Achim Steiner Voxy Sep 4, 2009
5139 7500 arching Clara Furse, chief executive at the LSE, said: The London Stock Exchange has an over-arching objective to improve market efficiency for the benefit of investors and issuers, and we will continue to innovate to promote that goal.