Earl Deal's Smokey Holler Tree Farm in western North Carolina won the arboreal equivalent of American Idol in 2005 when one of its Fraser firs was chosen as the White House .
Some scientists believe that Neanderthals went extinct after a particularly volatile period of climate change shrank their arboreal hunting grounds.
He spent years in Suriname, studying spider monkeys in their arboreal home.
Treehouses: This Red 'Treehouse' is Actually Part of a Larger Tree Hotel Photo via Remodelista This cabin is not, as one may imagine, the house incarnate of Little Red Riding Hood, but rather another funky arboreal suite at Sweden's ultra cool Treehotel, you know, the smattering of vacation rentals in the woods...
June 21, 2013 - Curbed
Chris Stringer in New Scientist (subscription) Since all the sites which have yielded fossil evidence of our earliest ancestors were forested or wooded, rather than open, Stringer says, "arboreal bipedalism is certainly a very plausible mechanism for the origins of walking upright."