a based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice
an arbitrary decision the arbitrary rule of a dictator an arbitrary penalty of arbitrary size and shape an arbitrary choice arbitrary division of the group into halves
Budget slashing hits most vulnerable - Sun, 16 Jun 2013 PST The first warnings about the spending cuts were dire. In March, as the sweeping $85 billion reductions known as sequestration kicked in, President Barack Obama called them “stupid” and “arbitrary” ...
June 16, 2013 - The Spokesman-Review
Sequester cuts hit poor, elderly, cancer patients In March, as the sweeping $85 billion reductions known as sequestration kicked in, President Barack Obama called them "stupid" and "arbitrary" and said they could thwart economic progress.
June 15, 2013 - KOMO Seattle
President Bush in Dallas Morning News As a result, we removed the arbitrary timetables for withdrawal and the restrictions on our military commanders that some in Congress had supported,Mr. Bush said, adding that the bill "reflects a consensus that the Iraqi government needs...
Vice President Dick Cheney in USA Today When members speak not of victory but of time limits, deadlines and other arbitrary measures, they are telling the enemy simply to watch the clock and wait us out,Cheney said in a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
John McCain in ABC News The lasting advantage of a peaceful and democratic ally in the heart of the Middle East could still be squandered by hasty withdrawal and arbitrary timelines,McCain said in Las Vegas. "And this is one of many problems in the shifting...