apparitional :

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  • s  resembling or characteristic of a phantom

  • When these work--and often they are little more than a graphic mannerism--they lend his images an indefinable air of instability, an apparitional flicker, a distant cousin of the .
  • To compel belief in the fantastic and give it the uncanny, apparitional quality he prized as a subversion of normal vision, Dali resorted to a miniaturist's approach: every .
  • Because the body is hidden by the murky wavelets, the head has a dreaming, apparitional quality, a look reinforced by the waving tendrils of hair.
News & Articles

  • Behind the scenes of making a movie
    Saturday’s “Apparitional” events started with a panel discussion featuring the movie’s cast and crew inside of A-Hall on the Missouri State Penitentiary campus.
    July 22, 2013 - Jefferson City News Tribune
  • Rolling out the red carpet
    Hundreds of Mid-Missourians filled the Capital 8 Theater Saturday night in hopes of glimpsing the stars of “Apparitional” as they strolled down the red carpet.
    July 22, 2013 - Jefferson City News Tribune
  • Patrons excited to see ‘Apparitional’ opening
    Jefferson City rolled out the red carpet for the cast and crew of the independent film “Apparitional” with a Hollywood-style premiere Saturday night. Hundreds of Mid-Missourians bought tickets to see the movie that was filmed at the Missouri State Penitentiary site in April.
    July 21, 2013 - Jefferson City News Tribune

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