ameliorate :

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uh meel yuh rayt

  • v  to make better
  • v  get better

  • The Moscow summit is designed both to ameliorate the present crisis and try and head off future ones.
  • The unexpected grant from an anonymous donor ameliorated the condition of the orphanage.
  • Providing better schools and education are the most important things that we can do to ameliorate social and economic injustice.
News & Articles

  • The Dynamic Duo: Ethical Alternative Products Answers the Call
    The incidence of pre-diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in developed countries and is a precursor to Type 2 diabetes and it’s life-threatening complications. Alpha lipoic acid, the powerhouse natural substance, continues to be recognized as an effective means to ameliorate oxidative stress-induced insulin resistance. (PRWeb June 26, 2013) Read the full story at ...
    June 26, 2013 - PRWeb

  • Kenneth Rogoff in Asia Times Online
    Dr Rogoff, advocating 6% (consumer price) inflation, believes a rapidly rising price level would "ameliorate the debt bomb and help us work through the deleveraging process".
  • Barbara Lee in Tri-Valley Herald
    Given the extent of the suffering, destruction, and deprivation in Gaza, it is imperative that the United States lead the effort to ameliorate the growing humanitarian crisis,Lee said in a news release. "I am optimistic that under the...
  • Pranab Mukherjee in (blog)
    In a clear warning to Colombo, Mukherjee said the Indian government would "do all in its power to achieve this goal and to ameliorate the humanitarian conditions in Sri Lanka".

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