agreement :

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uh gree muhnt

  • n  the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises
    they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other's business
  • n  compatibility of observations
    there was no agreement between theory and measurement
  • n  harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters
    the two parties were in agreement
  • n  the thing arranged or agreed to
  • n  the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations
  • n  the verbal act of agreeing

  • In fact, the substance of the Paris agreement on Germany was known last week.
  • There are reports this afternoon that an agreement has been reached to bailout the auto industry.
  • Brzezinski demurred and persuaded Zia that a 1959 Executive agreement that grew out of the Eisenhower Doctrine to defend the Middle East against Communist aggression was strong .
News & Articles


  • Barack Obama in New Yorker (blog)
    I don't make this decision based on any difference in policy with General McChrystal, as we are in full agreement on strategy,Obama said today in announcing his acceptance of McChrystal's resignation.
  • Alan Rosenberg in Sydney Morning Herald
    Not only is the compensation fund that was created yesterday at the White House in an agreement reached between BP and President Obama not a slush fund and not a shakedown, rather it was the government of the United States worked to protect the... Joe Barton Washington Post (blog) Jun 17, 2010 2179 2871 agreement After considerable outreach to Golden Globe actor nominees and their representatives over the past several weeks, there appears to be unanimous agreement that these actors will not cross WGA [Writers Guild of America] picket lines to appear at the...

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