sleeping :

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s lee ping

  • n  the state of being asleep
  • n  quiet and inactive restfulness
  • n  the suspension of consciousness and decrease in metabolic rate
  • v  be asleep
  • v  be able to accommodate for sleeping
  • s  lying with head on paws as if sleeping

  • Railroads gave up their own sleeping cars for the sake of the better "Pullmans.
  • New research suggests that sleeping and dreaming are crucial for the proper processing of human emotions.
  • Parents are of different opinions when it comes to co-sleeping with their babies, but a growing body of research suggests it's best for infants when they fall asleep on their own.
News & Articles


  • Gen Peter Pace in Washington Post
    But Pace told the newspaper "As an individual, I would not want (acceptance of gay behavior) to be our policy, just like I would not want it to be our policy that if we were to find out that so-and-so was sleeping with somebody else's wife, that we...
  • Barack Obama in Boston Globe
    Violence is a dead end,Obama said. "It is a sign of neither courage nor power to shoot rockets at sleeping children, or to blow up old women on a bus. That is not how moral authority is claimed; that is how it is surrendered."
  • Lindsay Lohan in ABC News
    It's very difficult, we're not sleeping well, we're not functioning. We cry a lot and we hug a lot. She's petrified, we all are. We're angry. We're disappointed in the system,Dina Lohan said. "Lindsay's scared to death."

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