rapacity :

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  • n  extreme gluttony
  • n  reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins)

  • It is a lawless dystopia, plagued by rapacity and violence: "In eastern India, bauxite and iron-ore mining is destroying whole ecosystems, turning fertile land into desert," she .
  • Their unwillingness to protect average Americans from the untrammeled rapacity of an unregulated market is a disgrace.
  • Currently, Lacson rails against "the abuses, excesses, rascality, rapacity and filth of the Garcia administration.
News & Articles

  • 'Wolf of Wall Street': Fun, depressingly familiar
    Been there, done that. As thrilling a filmmaker as Martin Scorsese continues to be, and as wild a performance as Leonardo DiCaprio dishes up as its morally bankrupt master of the universe, The Wolf of Wall Street seems almost entirely unnecessary. A story of stockbroker rapacity in the anything-goes '90s? Cocaine and hookers? Fast cars and fancy yachts? Trophy wives and pesky feds?
    Dec. 25, 2013 - The Philadelphia Inquirer

  • Gary Weiss in Washington Post
    Wall Street's yen for your wallet afflicts with equal rapacity Republican and Democrat, liberal and conservative, Arab and Jew, anti- and pro-abortion, rich and middle class, and even a lot of people who think they're too poor to care,Weiss...
  • Roy Harrod in Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
    Economic growth theorist Roy Harrod argued in the 1940s that discounting the future based on a "pure time preference" (the myopic preference for consumption today apart from all other considerations) was a "polite expression for rapacity".
  • Joseph Conrad in Globe and Mail
    ("The word 'ivory' rang in the air, was whispered, was sighed," wrote Conrad. "You would think they were praying to it. A taint of imbecile rapacity blew through it all, like a whiff from some corpse. . . ."

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