milker :

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  • n  cattle that are reared for their milk

  • James Beard, author of everything from a basic cookbook to Cook It Outdoors, is a gifted milker of the cooking-boom cow.
  • Once the spider is groggy, the milker, peering through a low-power stereoscopic microscope, gently picks it up with metal tweezers that are connected to an electrical supply.
  • Marie's glory was also glory for her milker.
News & Articles

  • A Day on the Farm (Part 2)
    About three times a day, farmers have to gather the cattle and get them to parlor for milking time. But those days of sitting on a wooden stool and filling a bucket no longer exist. Parlors are now all about technology - whether it be automatic suction pumps, or full robotic milkers. As part of our week-long look at life on the farm, our Brian Dwyer - with some help from the Jefferson County ...
    June 25, 2013 - YNN Syracuse
  • Life on a farm (Part 2)
    About three times a day, farmers have to gather the cattle and get them to parlor for milking time. But those days of sitting on a wooden stool and filling a bucket no longer exist. Parlors are now all about technology - whether it be automatic suction pumps, or full robotic milkers. As part of our week-long look at life on the farm, our Brian Dwyer - with some help from the Jefferson County ...
    June 25, 2013 - YNN Syracuse

  • Carl Barat in
    A lot of my friends say you should only do a reunion if you're going to write a new album. I agree. Otherwise it's just a cash-cow, a glory-milker,said Barat, talking to The Independent.

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