libretto :

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luhb re toh

  • n  the words of an opera or musical play

  • Meanwhile, the daily Liberation, criticized the libretto's "naivete.
  • Bond's libretto tells the story of a pacifist band of petit bourgeois cats who have formed the Royal Society for the Protection of Rats and have been rearing a young orphan mouse.
  • Poet Hughes's libretto turned out to have far more peroration ("Children of misery, tomorrow we must be free," etc.

  • Olof Dreijer in Prefixmag
    At first it was very difficult as we really didn't know anything about opera,said Olof Dreijer in a press release. "We'd never been to one. I didn't even know what the word libretto meant. But after some studying, and just getting used to...
  • Margaret Atwood in
    It's not a huge, huge jump (to write a libretto), but it's also not what I would ever be able to do for a living because you don't make very much money doing it,said Atwood. "But for me it's a pleasure, it's an excursion, it's a thrill,...
  • Julie Taymor in PR Newswire (press release)
    The entire concept of this musical,Taymor describes, "is that the lyrics will tell the story. They are the libretto, they are the arias, they are the emotion of the characters."

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