importer :

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im pawr ter

  • n  someone whose business involves importing goods from outside (especially from a foreign country)

  • So importer Griswold took his customers to Rwanda to brew coffee with the farmers, showing them exactly the kind of taste and consistent quality the market is looking for.
  • The state has so many ethanol distilleries under construction that it's poised to become a net importer of corn.
  • Hiromi Ohtaki of Dole Japan, a leading banana importer, sees the boom in sales as largely due to Morning Banana Diet bananas don't normally sell well during summer, and this .
News & Articles

  • Egypt's wheat harvest becomes mired in politics
    IBSHAWAI, Egypt (AP) — Early in Egypt's wheat harvest this year, President Mohammed Morsi spoke in a televised address, proclaiming the crop would be 30 percent higher than the year before and that the country is on track to go from being the world's biggest importer of wheat to being entirely self-sufficient in four years.
    June 13, 2013 - Associated Press via Yahoo! News
  • Russia’s LNG Rush Gives Japan Strongest Bargaining Chip
    Japan, the world’s top importer of liquefied natural gas, has its best opportunity to bargain for lower prices since it started buying the power-plant fuel 44 years ago. One reason is Russia.
    June 12, 2013 - Bloomberg
  • U.S. wants EV motorcycle company to pay $17M fine for unsafe vehicles
    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has filed suit against a California-based importer of Chinese-made electric motorcycles, seeking $17.35 million in civil fines and $3,100 refunds to owners after the agency says the company has repeatedly failed to fix unsafe braking systems.
    June 12, 2013 - Detroit News

  • Barack Obama in New York Times
    The choice we face is not between saving our environment and saving our economy,Mr. Obama said. "The choice we face is between prosperity and decline. We can remain the world's leading importer of oil, or we can become the world's leading...
  • Susan Schwab in International Herald Tribune
    We used a World Bank list because we didn't want to appear to be self-serving,Schwab told reporters. "The US is a net importer (of these 43 goods). What's complicated about ethanol is it shows up in agricultural negotiations. Part of the...
  • Julia Gillard in Sydney Morning Herald
    At the last election, whether or not they wanted to, Australians picked up their mobile phone to hear John Howard on it,Ms Gillard said. "These tactics have been used by the Liberal Party, which of course is the biggest importer into this...

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