hissing :

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hi sing

  • n  a fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval)
    the performers could not be heard over the hissing of the audience
  • v  make a sharp hissing sound, as if to show disapproval
  • v  move with a whooshing sound
  • v  express or utter with a hiss
  • v  show displeasure, as after a performance or speech

  • Once you activate the self-test, it starts hissing and clicking, checking both the relative volume levels of each speaker, and the distances of each speaker to you and your mic.
  • This time of year, Yellowstone is a land of dramatic fire-and-ice contrasts, with hissing, boiling water heated in chambers far below shooting out clouds of steam over a subzero .
  • The musical season now closing has witnessed at least one singular noveltyhissing.
News & Articles

  • Market might see a change
    Do you hear that? Could it be the hissing sound of the air coming out of the stock market bubble? Maybe, and maybe not. But following the cliff diving demonstration the Japan’s Nikkei has put on in recent days, the U.S. markets finally acquiesced, at least for a day. The response by the “Stepford wives” of CNBC was one for the ages. When the Dow dropped more than 200 on Wednesday it was ...
    June 9, 2013 - The Nashua Telegraph
  • Kids delight in learning at spectrUM Weird Science Dance Party in Missoula
    Cow eyeballs, hissing cockroaches, vats of slime and steaming ice cream were just a few of the bizarre sights at Caras Park on Friday afternoon, as the University of Montana spectrUM Discovery Center held its fourth annual Weird Science Dance Party.
    June 8, 2013 - Missoulian
  • Get Saved by the Serendipity Circus: What to do this weekend in West Geauga
    Saved by the Serendipity Circuswill be presented, complete with historically correct booing and hissing from the audience, 2 p.m. June 8 in a free performance at Geauga Theater.
    June 6, 2013 - Chagrin Solon Sun

  • Ron Wyden in Los Angeles Times
    When voters in Oregon and around the country hear the word 'superdelegate,' people start hissing,said Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon. "I never asked to be a superdelegate, and always thought it preposterous that my vote would be accorded greater...
  • Alfred Anderson in FOXNews
    All I'd heard for two months in the trenches was the hissing, cracking and whining of bullets in flight, machine gun fire and distant German voices,said Anderson, who was billeted in a French farmhouse behind the front lines. "But there...
  • Robert Rodriguez in KRIS-TV
    It was hissing at me and its stomach was huge like it had probably just eaten something, but then it was coming for my dog and I said, 'Oh no!',Rodriguez said.

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