defenseless :

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di fens luhs

  • s  lacking protection or support
    a defenseless child
  • s  having no protecting or concealing cover
  • s  lacking weapons for self-defense
  • r  without defense
    the child was standing in the middle of the crossfire, defenselessly

  • The militants, she says, may have been motivated primarily by political reasons: to oppose the center's efforts to get back land seized by local bigwigs from defenseless families .
  • Roth tirelessly and unflinchingly records the daily damage that the harshness of slum life inflicts on David's quiveringly receptive, emotionally defenseless consciousness; as a .
  • How years of misguided policies and bureaucratic bungling left New Orleans defenseless against Katrina and why it may happen again.
News & Articles

  • Monsanto Hid Its GMO Wheat Where No One Would Find It: In a Field
    Stephen Colbert has solved the zombie wheat mystery: After it scrapped its GMO wheat program a decade ago, Monsanto, “another defenseless multinational,” destroyed all tested material. Then, just to be sure no one would find it, “they buried that wheat in the middle of a field.”
    June 6, 2013 - via Yahoo! News

  • Noel Paul Stookey in USA Today
    Stookey praised Travers for her activism, "especially in her defense of the defenseless."
  • Ban Ki-moon in Xinhua
    It could be the final blow that many of the poorest of the world's poor simply cannot survive,Ban said. "It is our job, at the UN, to see that this does not happen." "It is our job to defend the defenseless, to give voice to the...
  • Blythe Brown in USA Today
    I recall feeling defenseless because more than a year had passed since I'd researched and written the novel, and the precise names, dates, places, and facts had faded somewhat in my memory,explains Brown, who acknowledges the anger over...

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