The Macalope: So much wrong Hungry? Never fear! Writing for the increasingly inappropriately named Boy Genius Report, Tero Kuittinen has baked you a casserole of wrongness! It tastes terrible and provides no nutritional value, but he ... well, he baked it. No one knows why. "Critics are getting under Apple’s skin" (tip o' the antlers to Adam Bushman ). You know, Kuittinen could have just said it was classless of Phil ...
June 13, 2013 - Macworld
Rowan Williams in Express & Echo With the 40th anniversary of the 1967 Abortion Act less than a week away, Dr Williams said: "Many supporters of the 1967 Act started from a strong sense of taking for granted the wrongness of ending an unborn life."
Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi in In a statement following his release, al-Megrahi said: "I am obviously very relieved to be leaving my prison cell at last and returning to Libya, my homeland. The remaining days of my life are being lived under the shadow of the wrongness of my...
Simon Baker in Kansas City Star I'm always drawn to characters that have a sort of a wrongness about them,said Baker. "And what I love about this character is, he's trying to come back. He doesn't wear his wrongness on his sleeve."