wishfulness :

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  • n  an unrealistic yearning

  • If that all sounds refreshingly realistic, there is also a certain amount of wishfulness in the notion that nations can neatly separate their foreign interests from their internal .
  • But that claim is more wishfulness than military threat, as PTI Caribbean Bureau Chief William McWhirter discovered on a tour of Gonzalez's training center.
  • The media encourage this wishfulness because a good fight attracts an audience.

  • Stephen Lang in CNN
    Pandora is a pristine world and there is the synergy between all of the creatures of the planet and I think that strikes a deep chord within people that has a wishfulness and a wistfulness to it,Lang said. "James Cameron had the technical...
  • Todd Gitlin in Washington Post
    All the talk about a more sober, less trivial post-9/11 world -- that was largely self-flattering bravado, maybe wishfulness on the part of more serious people in the news media,Gitlin said. "And the more serious people aren't always in...

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