Though the coach realized he was not an innovator in the sense of wishbone offenses he knew what he was.
A wishbone hauling its own dream machine across the floor may not have a clear meaning, but that takes second place, he says, to "communicating the intensity and patience I put .
Like all other Trikkes, it lets you generate momentum by simply shifting your weight on the thing's wishbone platform.
Decker joins Wishbone Pet Rescue Alliance as 1st executive director Sara Decker, former Allegan Area Chamber of Commerce executive director, has joined Wishbone Pet Rescue Alliance as the first executive director of the non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing animals in West Michigan.
June 13, 2013 - The Holland Sentinel
Singled Out: Bobby Long's Devil Moon Today Bobby Long tells us about his new single 'Devil Moon' which comes from his new studio album 'Wishbone'.
June 12, 2013 - antiMUSIC
Bobby Bowden in International Herald Tribune The last time I can remember seeing the wishbone is when we played Auburn when Pat Dye was the head coach,the 78-year-old Bowden said, referring to the 1980s. "It's different. You have to prepare differently, and you'd better prepare...
Jay Novacek in Dallas Morning News This isn't something that you expect from a skinny tight end on a Wyoming team that ran the Wishbone offense,Novacek said, "but it is a great honor and very meaningful. I am proud to be going in with my teammate and friend, Troy Aikman."
Larry Blakeney in USA Today If you do what we do, you have to do it all the time,Blakeney said. "You can't do it for a half and then lock down with a wishbone in the second half."