wintergreen :

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  • n  any of several evergreen perennials of the genus Pyrola
  • n  creeping shrub of eastern North America having white bell-shaped flowers followed by spicy red berrylike fruit and shiny aromatic leaves that yield wintergreen oil
  • n  spicy red berrylike fruit; source of wintergreen oil

  • The thing that did the trick was the active principle of wintergreen oil, heptyl aldehyde, a fragrant, colorless liquid.
  • In its July issue, the magazine mistakenly substituted oil of wintergreen, which in substantial doses can cause nausea and vomiting, for nontoxic wintergreen extract.
  • wintergreen wants wintergreen, wintergreen wants mrs.
News & Articles


  • Morrie Ryskind in
    Created by George and Ira Gershwin with George S. Kaufman and Morrie Ryskind, Of Thee I Sing, according to press notes, is "about Wintergreen's bid for the presidency on a platform of 'love,' and the search by his handlers for a hook to snare...

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