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  • v  gradually deprive (infants and young mammals) of mother's milk
    she weaned her baby when he was 3 months old and started him on powdered milk
    The kitten was weaned and fed by its owner with a bottle
  • v  detach the affections of

  • Moscow sent a chilly reminder, over the New Year, of the urgency behind Europe's quest to wean itself off a dependence on Russian natural gas.
  • But there was more to Fischler's proposals than an effort to wean European farmers off price subsidies.
  • He has just written a book called Living Off the Grid, a practical guide to weaning yourself off the electrical milk of modern life.
News & Articles

  • Focusing on Fannie, Freddie's Future
    Republicans and Democrats have begun work on a bipartisan bill that would replace Fannie and Freddie within five years with a new "public guarantor," part of a broader framework designed to wean the government from its outsized role backstopping the nation's $10 trillion mortgage market, the Wall Street Journal reports.
    June 17, 2013 - Los Angeles Business Journal
  • Weaning East Africa from aid proving a taxing affair
    By Kevin Mwanza NAIROBI (Reuters) - East Africa's economies - Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda - may need to do more than just present their budgets simultaneously if they are to draw the foreign investment they need to wean themselves off aid. The countries are working towards a single currency to increase trade and harmonise their economies further under the East African Community, and the ...
    June 14, 2013 - Reuters via Yahoo! News
  • PepsiCo rethinks pricing to attract more everyday buyers
    PepsiCo Inc said it is tweaking its drink-pricing strategy in some parts of the United States, as it aims to wean consumers off the habit of buying soda only when it is on sale.
    June 13, 2013 - The Fargo Forum

  • John Kerry in Reuters
    Here's what's important -- not to be throwing the blame around, but to put America on the course to true energy independence and self-reliance and to begin to wean ourselves from our addiction to oil,Kerry said.
  • Eminem in Bild.de
    Eminem said: "My doctor told me those mysterious new pills were methadone, which is used to wean heroin addicts off dope. Had I known it was methadone, I probably wouldn't have taken it. But as bad as I was back then, I can't even say 100 per cent...
  • Michael Bond in Independent
    It would require a good deal more than the combined current withdrawal of Northern Rock to wean him off marmalade, if then,Bond says.

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