After the crackdown, he put his thumbprint on a police document promising he would never again practice, but he was lying.
If the bank later discovers that the check is forged, the thumbprint is forwarded to Identiseal headquarters for filing, and then to the police in the city where the check was .
And though the thumbprint cookies I made from it got rave reviews, it was mildly annoying to have to tap the screen every few minutes to get it out of power-save mode while I mixed .
Bloomberg Wants Your Tired, Your Poor and Your Compost Yum! (Getty) With his mayoral term coming to a close, Mayor Bloomberg is rushing to put his “green” thumbprint on everything he possibly can. The latest in Bloomberg’s frenzied eco-friendly crusade? Composting. New Yorkers now have the option of making space for a picnic basket-sized container designed to house food waste in kitchens the size of postage stamps, as part of an ambitious new plan ...
June 17, 2013 - The New York Observer
Jerry Wexler in Monsters and No less a legend than Atlantic Records producer and co-founder Jerry Wexler said Morrison (who as a baby, he had a terrible whooping cough, which may have left him with scarred vocal chords) has a voice "with its own thumbprint. Hear it once and...
Carlton Cuse in PR Newswire (press release) It's almost impossible to write a movie with a big star and not have that person put his or her thumbprint on top of it,Cuse says.
Dell Curry in New York Times He can put his thumbprint on the executive side and in the community,Dell Curry, a television analyst who spent a decade playing for the Charlotte Hornets, said of Jordan's influence. "If the Bobcats can get to the playoffs and play well,...