The whales were accompanied by whooping brass glissandi, glockenspiels, tam-tam and bass drum.
Busiest man in the group: the percussionist, whose "kitchen" includes small cymbals, regular cymbals, maracas, tambourines, claves, bells, tam-tam, triangle, gong.
Southern supermarket giant Winn-Dixie bets big on kosher Stroll past the kosher section of most large supermarkets in America and you could be forgiven for thinking that Jewish diets consist mainly of jarred gefilte fish, unsalted matzahs and Tam-Tam crackers.
Feb. 14, 2014 - The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles
Gustav Mahler in Bangkok Post Stan Gayuski of the International Mahler Society said: "I thought the performance was quite good and I, for one, hung on every note. I liked the solo aspects you drew out, and heard the symphony anew for that reason. Tam-tam was excellent and...