take kindly to :

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take kindly to

  • v  be willing or inclined to accept
News & Articles

  • Queens Mom Hits Fake Fed-Ex Thief in Face With Phone
    A mom in Howard Beach did not take kindly to an apparent thief dressed as a Fed-Ex deliveryman trying to shove his way past her daughter and into their home: "He wouldn’t move, so I took the inside of the door and I was pushing him and that’s when he pushed in more and I took the phone and whacked him right in the face with it."
    June 11, 2013 - New York Magazine
  • Chad Johnson headed to jail for 30 days after butt slap
    Chad Johnson will spend 30 days in jail after violating his probation in a domestic violence case. The judge clearly didn't take kindly to Johnson's lighthearted attitude in court.
    June 11, 2013 - NFL.com
  • Hudson Yards Watch: Stephen Ross and Related Companies clearly...
    Stephen Ross and Related Companies clearly didn't take kindly to Gary Barnett laying claim to a piece of the Hudson Yards pie with his not-so-subtly named One Hudson Yards tower. So, naturally, Related is buying the building with a land...
    June 6, 2013 - Curbed New York

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