sulfur :

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suhl fer

  • n  an abundant tasteless odorless multivalent nonmetallic element; best known in yellow crystals; occurs in many sulphide and sulphate minerals and even in native form (especially in volcanic regions)
  • v  treat with sulphur in order to preserve

  • Number of people potentially affected: 134,000 Type of pollutant: Air pollution particulates, sulfur dioxide, heavy metals, phenols Source of pollution: Major nickel and .
  • Number of people potentially affected: 35,000 Type of pollutant: Lead, copper, zinc and sulfur dioxide Source of pollution: Heavy metal mining and processing Lead is the .
  • And it still smells of sulfur today.
News & Articles


  • Lamar Alexander in International Herald Tribune
    It is important to remember the Smokies has among the highest levels of ozone or smog in the eastern United States, either inside or outside a national park,Alexander said. "And it has one of the highest rates of sulfur and nitrogen...
  • Harry Kim in Leading The Charge
    As far as we know the number was light because the sulfur dioxide levels really did not materialize to the degree that was much anticipated,Hawaii County Mayor Harry Kim said. "What did happen during the day is that we did have some .........
  • Gerardo in
    The importance of primary sulfate is usually ignored in assessments of the impact of ship emissions on air quality because less than 7 percent of all sulfur emitted by ships is found in primary sulfate particles,said Gerardo Dominguez, a...

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