sugarloaf :

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  • n  a large conical loaf of concentrated refined sugar

  • It was the privates who dubbed the Army of the Potomac "Grant's army" after the day in March 1864 when the man with the bristly red beard and black sugarloaf hat came to visit .
  • Anhwei contains the sugarloaf mountains and pinnacled rocks made famous by the misty paintings of Chinese artists.
  • Its curious sugarloaf mountains are drawn in loosely applied brush strokes and washes, trees are carefully controlled blobs of ink.
News & Articles


  • Peter Garrett in Sydney Morning Herald
    The decision taken by the Commonwealth to approve the Sugarloaf pipeline was taken on the basis that there would be no significant impact on matters of national environment significance,Mr Garrett told the House.
  • Seth Wescott in Central Maine Morning Sentinel
    I'm psyched to be (racing in Maine),Wescott said. "The only way it could be better was if I was at Sugarloaf. But the course is looking good and I'm really excited to race."
  • Phil Mickelson in Independent Online
    Asked whether he was at all superstitious about winning the week before the Masters, Mickelson replied: "Good heavens, no. It was a great week at Sugarloaf, don't get me wrong, but I didn't feel like it couldn't be repeated. I feel like I'm starting...

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