succinctness :

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  • n  terseness and economy in writing and speaking achieved by expressing a great deal in just a few words

  • His style contains the succinctness of concert music and the excitement of jazz.
  • In it Barth succeeds with clarity, succinctness and natural ease in creating a modern tale out of the oldest forms of storytelling.
  • But for the past several years--in part influenced by Nirvana, whose visceral songs got much of their power from their brutal succinctness--many rockers have opted for brevity.
News & Articles

  • Why Every Email Should Be 5 Sentences Long
    If your message is too short you'll sound abrupt. If it's too long no one will read it. Here's why five sentences is the just-right length. "Proper email is a balance between politeness and succinctness," entrepreneur-investor-author Guy Kawasaki tells "Less than five sentences is often abrupt and rude, more than five sentences wastes time." In this way, the email is like poem ...
    July 26, 2013 - Fast Company Magazine

  • Barack Obama in Washington Times
    Mr. Obama, who admits stumbling in his answers at earlier debates, said he was confident he had fine tuned his debate style for "brevity and succinctness."
  • Donald Trump in San Francisco Chronicle
    There's a beauty in those two words,said Donald Trump, musing about the signature kiss-off line of his popular reality-TV show "The Apprentice." "When you utter those words, there's very little that can be said. There's a succinctness to...

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