stuffiness :

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  • n  state of obstruction or stoppage or air in the nose or throat
  • n  the quality of being close and poorly ventilated
  • n  dull and pompous gravity

  • As its leaders come to grips with the new rules of the digital age, the city-state once known for its stuffiness begins to loosen the reins on pop culture and political discussion.
  • A former English literature professor, he appeared in a commercial in leather and sunglasses a la Terminator, confessed to stuffiness and a proclivity for bad dark suits, then .
  • C O V E R S T O R Y Singapore: Letting Go As its leaders come to grips with the new rules of the digital age, the city-state once known for its stuffiness begins to loosen the .

  • David Johansen in Spoonfed
    New York Dolls frontman David Johansen said: "Malcolm McLaren was such a marvelous amalgam of exuberation, sensuality, culture and literacy...... he was the perfect preservation against stuffiness and a lack of humanity".
  • Dylan Walsh in
    The face may have changed for this new incarnation, but the twisted motivations remain the same: "There's a stuffiness [to him], he's stiff," Walsh says of his second skin David Harris. "I imagine he's had these different families and he's...
  • Nikolai Ryzhkov in USA Today
    Mikhail Gorbachev's future prime minister, Nikolai Ryzhkov, who was by no means a radical, wrote of those years: "The stuffiness in the country has reached the limit: After that, only death......Nothing was done with any care. (We) stole from...

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