straitjacket :

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straytja kuht

  • n  anything immaterial that severely hinders or confines
    they defected because Russian dance was in a straitjacket
    the government is operating in an economic straitjacket
  • n  a garment similar to a jacket that is used to bind the arms tightly against the body as a means of restraining a violent person

  • Breaking the education straitjacket Viewpoint: Actress Youki Kudoh says respect the old ways Viewpoint: Parents should examine their own ethics.
  • Roosevelt's critics were certain he would straitjacket the free-enterprise system once America began mobilizing for war.
  • The Turkish press was fitted for an authoritarian straitjacket last week by Premier Adnan Menderes.
News & Articles


  • Charles Schumer in Guardian Unlimited
    The president has gotten out of his ideological straitjacket and seen that in times of crisis, one of the jobs of government is to help,Schumer told reporters at a Capitol Hill news conference.
  • Andre Marin in Globe and Mail
    TORONTO -- Ontario's watchdog will probe whether the governing Liberals are doing enough to protect the 75,000 elderly residents of the province's long-term care homes or, instead, confining facilities to a "straitjacket of piddly rules,"...
  • FW de Klerk in
    But Mr de Klerk said: "We should be extremely careful in setting off a chain of events which will put this country into a new straitjacket of persecution and retribution."

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