Island Pacific Partners With Grabba To Mobilise Retail Stocktake Process Island Pacific, a leading global provider of software solutions and services to the retail industry, has partnered with Grabba, the Queensland-headquartered, world-leading manufacturer of smartphone barcode readers, to offer a joint solution which will enable retailers to mobilise their cyclical stocktake process.
Sept. 3, 2013 - DataCollectionOnline
Phil Goff in Xinhua The New Zealand-Turkey Economic Stocktake is the result of a ministerial New Zealand-Turkey Joint Economic Commission meeting in 2006 between myself and Turkey's then Deputy Prime Minister Abdullatif Sener,Goff said in a press release.
Nick Smith in New Zealand Herald The ACC Stocktake Group will also explore other areas in which the private and non-government sectors (including iwi) can be involved in accident management and compensation,Dr Smith said.