Doctors dealing with it variously call the condition "staleness, flying sickness, flying stress, aviator's stomach, aviator's neurasthenia, or aeroneurosis.
He thrashes about in old books, is sickened by the library's "sweats of staleness," but finds no answer to his question.
The staleness of the detainees' information is one reason Bush felt he could send the detainees on to Gitmo for trial.
Walter Smith in Times Online Both Gus MacPherson [the St Mirren manager] and I would agree it is too much,Smith said. "However, it is a situation we are in. We just have to keep our focus on the championship and that will overcome any staleness that might be felt. I...
Andrew Coltart in Glasgow Daily Record Coltart, 37, said: "There had been a staleness creeping in to my game and this has given me anew impetus. It's a chance to re-start my career and I'm looking forward to it. I was always going to come to the qualifying school when I lost my card. I'm...