smallpox :

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s mawlpoks

  • n  a highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever and weakness and skin eruption with pustules that form scabs that slough off leaving scars

  • President Bush's plan to vaccinate high-risk Americans against the smallpox virus has many of us wondering what to expect.
  • A measure before Congress to compensate healthcare workers who fall ill after receiving the smallpox vaccine may hit a snag next week.
  • Did faulty intelligence lead to an overblown scare over smallpox? The Administration said the possibility of a smallpox attack by Iraq strengthened its case for war--and .
News & Articles

  • This Ghostly, Abandoned NYC Island Could Become a Special Needs School
    New York City’s North Brother Island has lived many past lives, as a shipwreck site, a smallpox clinic, a tuberculosis colony, and a drug rehab facility, for starters. The 20-acre island, which sits between the Bronx and Riker’s Island, has been abandoned since the 1970s. But two architecture students are hoping to change that soon, with a proposal to build a school for autistic children on the ...
    June 25, 2013 - Gizmodo

  • Jane Harman in Forbes
    It's a very serious problem because biological threat is real in our future any time, and it could be something like this or smallpox,Harman told CNN on Wednesday.
  • Neal Halsey in
    There are situations where one does have to have a smallpox vaccine,said Dr. Neal Halsey, director of John Hopkins University's Institute for Vaccine Safety.
  • Tony Burke in Adelaide Independent Weekly
    One hundred years ago, when we first went down the path of the current Quarantine Act, the main quarantine risks were things like typhoid, things like cholera and smallpox,Mr Burke told reporters at Sydney Airport. "Today we are also...

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