Blood was spotted near a shrub where the assailant hid to launch the rocket.
Sprigs of jatropha a tropical shrub that can be harvested to produce clean biodiesel are already growing on the slopes of garbage.
Biologist Ramiro Royero has set up a computerized field office there to collect data on a plant still unknown to the outside world: a shrub whose poinsettia-like leaves are .
Employing new strategy in battle against deer My garden is under siege from deer. They attack in the dark of night and last week decimated my collection of gorgeous dark leafed Ninebarks (Physocarpus)and phlox paniculata. One 5-foot shrub was reduced to the size of a basketball.
June 14, 2013 - Detroit News
Yakima River Canyon field trips offered Saturday Tue, 11 Jun 2013 14:24:57 GMT Ellensburg Daily Record Another round of field trips into the wild of the shrub-steppe in the Yakima River Canyon is set for Saturday. Three field trips are scheduled Saturday to begin at the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s Umtanum Recreation Site in the Yakima River Canyon sou...
June 12, 2013 - Yakima Herald-Republic