short ton :

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short ton

  • n  a United States unit of weight equivalent to 2000 pounds
News & Articles

  • Petersburg Pilot -
    Kodiak’s roe herring fishery began on April 15 with little notice and rumors of fire sale prices. The fleet of 22 seiners was down a bit; they are competing for a harvest of 5,800 short tons, similar to the past five years. No gillnetters had signed up for the herring fishery.
    May 1, 2014 - Petersburg Pilot
  • Fish Factor: prices low as Kodiak, Togiak herring opens
    Kodiak's roe herring fishery began on April 15 with little notice and rumors of fire sale prices. The fleet of 22 seiners was smaller than normal; they are competing for a harvest of 5,800 short tons, similar to the past five years. No gillnetters had signed up for the herring fishery.
    April 30, 2014 - Capital City Weekly

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