The community has paid a price for its separateness: because the Amish forbid marriage outside the Old Order, centuries of inbreeding have afflicted them with certain genetic .
Covering the face, whether in Yorkshire or Beirut, seems to send a universal message of separateness.
More to the point, and more poignant, in a year when blackwhite animosity has reached a violent crescendo in the land, two young people and their parents showed that separateness .
Jindal: America places too much emphasis on race Email: | Twitter: @WWLTV Following an appearance on "Meet the Press" Sunday, Gov. Bobby Jindal published an editorial on calling for the end of over-stressing race in America, believing that causes unneeded divides. "Yet we still place far too much emphasis on our 'separateness,' our heritage, ethnic background, skin color, etc. We live in the age of ...
Aug. 26, 2013 - WWL-TV, Channel 4 New Orleans
Winston Churchill in Jewish Telegraphic Agency Yet there are times when one feels instinctively that all this is only another manifestation of the difference, the separateness of the Jew,Churchill wrote in the article, which did not arouse publishers' interest until Britain's Sunday...
Gordon Brown in What was wrong about multiculturalism was not the recognition of diversity but that it over-emphasised separateness at the cost of unity,says Mr Brown. "Continually failing to emphasise what bound us together as a country, multiculturalism...
Lew Rockwell in Atlantic Online State-enforced segregation,Rockwell wrote, "was wrong, but so is State-enforced integration. State-enforced segregation was not wrong because separateness is wrong, however. Wishing to associate with members of one's own race, nationality,...