self-help :

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  • n  the act of helping or improving yourself without relying on anyone else

  • Striving for both speed and satisfaction, life hackers specialize in digital self-help.
  • Her self-help program, called the Work, uses a therapy-like setting to get people to view their problems in a fresh way.
  • China's individuals are emerging from the Confucian crowd, and a self-help industry has grown to support them.
News & Articles


  • Lawrence Mira in Reuters
    You're on your own now with the self-help groups, so this is the most difficult time for you,Mira told a subdued Gibson during a brief hearing in Los Angeles. "Good luck to you as you continue your rehabilitation."
  • Richard Wiseman in The Guardian
    Many of these ideas are frequently recommended by self-help experts but our results suggest that they simply don't work,Wiseman said. "If you are trying to lose weight, it's not enough to stick a picture of a model on your fridge or...
  • Michael Grade in
    Mr Grade, who dramatically quit as chairman of the BBC to join ITV, said today: "This is a plan rooted in self-help. Our priority is to put our own house in order, making our assets work better, harder and more in tune with each other."

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