On the screen, when she is not listening to David Bowie tapes in the labyrinthine subway corridors of the station near Berlin's zoo or shooting up heroin in its seedy lavatories .
From the stage of Boston's Pilgrim Theater, a seedy burlesque house in the city's newly designated "Combat Zone" for sex films and ecdysiast exhibitions, a shapely,.
The loosely connected skits conjured a seedy, hilariously cutthroat world in which there are two kinds of people: the one getting over and the ones getting gotten over on.
Poppy hopes to stand despite another fall Poppy hopes to stand despite another fall Times Union Copyright 2013 Times Union. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Updated 7:05 am, Wednesday, June 12, 2013 Schenectady Poppy went back to the rock. It took less than two days of freedom for Samuel "Poppy" Baez to relapse at the end of a crack pipe in a seedy motel on upper State ...
June 12, 2013 - Albany Times Union
Tony Clement in CTV.ca Clement said Insite has done little to reduce drug overdose deaths because most narcotics are still used in "back alleys and seedy motels."
Lindsey Graham in CNN Political Ticker (blog) You know, change you can believe in,Graham said referring to a frequent theme of Obama's underdog presidential campaign, "after this health care bill debacle, [that] has now becoming an empty slogan. And it's really been replaced by seedy...
Ellen Wheeler in Los Angeles Times My office also functions as an office and a church - there are pews lined up behind my desk,Wheeler said. "Another executive's office is a nail salon, another one doubles as a hotel room, and then another has what we call, 'the seedy motel...