Each of the 80 floors in the world's first moving skyscraper with offices and a hotel, topped by apartments will rotate 360 degrees, all at different speeds.
In Beijing, thousands gather virtually every day in open parks to stand in disciplined ranks, eyes closed, and rotate their hands to Li's tape-recorded voice.
At Valcent's El Paso lab, potted crops grow in rows on clear vertical panels that rotate on a conveyor belt.
Conservation Day! HARLAN -- Sixth graders from Shelby County schools (Harlan, Exira-EH-K and Shelby County Catholic) participated in Conservation Day at Prairie Rose State Park on Wednesday, May 15. Students had the chance to rotate between nine different stations, including a nature walk, fire safety, wildlife, forestry, fishing, tackle and techniques, soils, groundwater, and parks.
June 12, 2013 - The Harlan Tribune
Plastic Coupling provides drip-free, reliable connections. Featuring ergonomic thumb latch, NS1 Series quick disconnect coupling provides secure, reliable connect and disconnect. Non-spill shutoff valves ensure drip-free disconnects, and drybreak style design minimizes air inclusion. Connection can be made with minimal alignment and allows tubing to rotate freely without kinking/twisting. Constructed from polypropylene and PEEK® materials for strength ...
June 12, 2013 - ThomasNet
Billy Donovan in Forbes This time of year in college basketball, the No. 1 is going to rotate like the yellow jersey in bike riding with teams handing it off,Florida coach Billy Donovan said Monday. "We're proud that over the last four, five years we have had a...
Robert Gates in Washington Post We would have to accept gaps in capability as units that rotate home aren't replaced right away for periods perhaps of weeks,Gates said.
Arsene Wenger in AFP We have two games to go, we are qualified so I might continue to rotate if I feel it is needed,Wenger said. "But to finish top is important. The second game is at home, and you play the team second in another group, so it is a double...