roll up :

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roll up

  • v  form into a cylinder by rolling
  • v  get or gather together
  • v  arrive in a vehicle: "He rolled up in a black Mercedes"
  • v  make into a bundle
  • v  close (a car window) by causing it to move up, as with a handle
  • v  form a cylinder by rolling
  • v  show certain properties when being rolled
News & Articles

  • Bulls Want FedEx to Deliver
    By Pete Najarian, co-founder of OptionMonster NEW YORK -- FedEx reports earnings Wednesday before the bell, and traders are looking for the stock to deliver. OptionMonster's tracking programs detected a roll up from the June 105 calls to the July 110s. They sold the 105s for 52 cents and bought the 110s for 59 cents, so the transaction cost a net 7 cents. ... Click to view a price quote on FDX ...
    June 19, 2013 -

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