The creature, long believed to have mystical powers Ctesias wrote about people grinding its horn down to mix into a restorative elixir now took on greater symbolic powers .
Tasch wants to give investors a stake in "restorative economy," building the food and ecological infrastructure on a community to community basis.
Exactly like a restorative trip to the woods, it reminds you of what you really enjoy literature for -- the chance to connect to others and what's real -- and get away from .
ROBERT SWIFT: Capitol Matters: How much to restore? HARRISBURG - The overriding debate in this year's state budget battle is about restorative spending. The big question facing state lawmakers is how far to go to restore state aid to basic education, higher education and county-run human services and ot
June 16, 2013 - The Daily & Sunday Review
New Jersey Cosmetic Dentist Offers Comprehensive Dental Implant Care Dr. John Beckwith, a New Jersey cosmetic dentist, believes that when it comes to dental implants and restorative dentistry, patients require personalized attention. For this reason, Dr. Beckwith performs ...
June 12, 2013 - Marketwired via Yahoo! Finance
DANB Introduces New Restorative Functions Certification Program The Dental Assisting National Board's new Certified Restorative Functions Dental Assistant (CRFDA) certification program meets the changing needs of the dental assisting field. (PRWeb June 11, 2013) Read the full story at
June 11, 2013 - PRWeb
Richard Lugar in Inside INdiana Business (press release) Based upon the defendants' apologies and acceptance of responsibility for their actions in January and the attendant consequences, as well as the positive and substantial efforts at restorative justice made by both men through their community... Martha Coakley Boston Globe May 11, 2007
83259 110804 restorative Our failure to act will be all the more unconscionable given that success would bring not only relief from the geopolitical threats of energy-rich regimes, but also restorative economic benefits to our farmers, rural areas, automobile...
Mal Brough in Melbourne Herald Sun This funding is for support services to tackle substance abuse and covers alternative activities for young people, education, rehabilitation, restorative justice and the provision of unsniffable Opal fuel,Mr Brough said.