repugnance :

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  • n  intense aversion
  • n  the relation between propositions that cannot both be true at the same time

  • The American view of Russia has been refracted over the last half-century through layers of repugnance, infatuation, loathing, horror, suspicion, complacencyand now, in doubts .
  • In the end, I overcame my repugnance at the thought of sleeping with a wrinkled mummy and married him.
  • Some think the taboo arose from a general repugnance of having sex with a bloodily discharging woman.
News & Articles

  • Jackie Robinson Statue Defaced in Most Offensive Way Possible
    The "symbol of tolerance" at the Coney Island home of the Brooklyn Cyclones was found vandalized this morning with a wide array of disgusting phrases — including "die niggers," "fuck Jackie Robinson and all niggers," and "Heil Hitler" — designed for maximum repugnance, with bonus swastikas scrawled in black marker.
    Aug. 7, 2013 - New York Magazine

  • Guy Verhofstadt in San Francisco Chronicle
    The Palestinian people showed their repugnance at Alan's kidnap. Palestinian President (Mahmoud) Abbas strongly condemned Alan's kidnapping and demanded that it be brought to an end. (Hamas leader) Ismail Haniyeh and Hamas spokesmen denounced the... David Miliband International Herald Tribune Jul 4, 2007 82905 110515 repugnance In all our hearts there is a feeling of repugnance, of sorrow and powerlessness," Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt said in a televised address to the nation. "We cannot comprehend what motivates these people."
  • Alex Salmond in Buteman
    Meanwhile Mr Salmond said: "The STUC's anti-racism march has become a proud annual example of Scotland at its best - uniting ordinary people to demonstrate their repugnance at this despicable form of prejudice."

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