It is good to have patient data on the computers because this cuts out a lot of redundant tests and also obviates recalling events and symptoms from memory.
Lawrance Bernabo finds the later porn films "sexually redundant and repetitive to be sure, but also narratively boring.
The form included a redundant box for voters to check if they were "qualified electors.
Purdue seeks to makes changes to system-wide policies With 127 policies governing Purdue and its regional campuses, things have become complicated and redundant. The current administration is looking to change that.
June 14, 2013 - The Purdue Exponent
ORDINANCE: Hey, enough already The vote is in, the ordinance passed and we should be moving on, but as evidenced by the articles and letters to the editor in the CDA Press, which in themselves prove this clarification of the constitution was so badly needed, we are going to continue to be subjected to the same redundant rants and deliberate misconceptions of what this law does.
June 14, 2013 - Coeur d'Alene Press
IBM employee axe cuts away 1,300 staff In order to cut costs, U.S. employees of IBM from management to entry-level have been made redundant.
June 13, 2013 - ZDNet
Chuck DeVore in Wall Street Journal Republican Assemblyman Chuck DeVore said the package didn't "go far enough to reform government, to reduce redundant agencies and reduce waste, fraud and abuse. We are asking the taxpayers of California for too much of their hard-earned money in an...
Rita Moreno in Forbes To speak of his talent, his accolades, his awards is redundant,Moreno said. "He has devoted part of his life, his talent, his resources, to helping needy children around the world."
Gil Gutknecht in USA Today This is a redundant structure,Gutknecht said of the new bridge. "There are many different levels of tension holding this bridge together. If one gives out, it gives us time to fix the problem."