Unlike the TSA's recently announced program to use computer databases to scan for suspicious individuals whose names occur on passenger lists, SPOT is instead based squarely on the .
The high and mighty drop by anyway, along with the mediocre and recently demoted.
The four houses where the tragedy unfolded have recently been patched up.
Blue Ridge Lighting Supply recently rebranded its company Family-owned Blue Ridge Lighting Supply recently rebranded its company and held a re-grand opening to "show everyone what we are about," Amy Morgan said.
June 21, 2013 - The Hendersonville Times-News
Girl Scout Council recently honored two area volunteers The Girl Scout Council of Ohio's Heartland recently awarded River Valley Service Unit volunteer Kim Stone with the Girl Scout Appreciation Pin. The Appreciation Pin is given only once to recognize outstanding service to a...
June 20, 2013 - The Daily Jeffersonian