recalculation :

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ree kalkyuhlay shuhn

  • n  the act of calculating again (usually to eliminate errors or to include additional data)
    recalculation yielded a much larger value

  • Even then, the principals will at some point change necessitating a recalculation based on changes in strategy.
  • Last week a recalculation in Washington stripped Lebanon of its exclusive little glory.
  • All this recalculation, however, assumes a reversal of the candidates' histories: Mondale repeatedly failed to sustain momentum during last spring's primary campaign, while .
News & Articles

  • New data show Great Recession not so bad, recovery a bit stronger
    WASHINGTON -- The Great Recession wasn't quite as bad as previously thought and the recovery since 2009 has been a bit stronger, according to a periodic data recalculation designed to better reflect the economic impact of movies, TV shows and other intellectual property.        
    July 31, 2013 - Los Angeles Times

  • Kevin Pietersen in AFP
    Pietersen said: "The recalculation probably worked in our favour but we batted really well. But I asked the boys to do a job and they have done it today. Winning becomes a habit and when you start winning game after game after game you learn how to...

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