realizable :

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ree uh lahy zuh buhl

  • s  capable of being realized
    realizable benefits of the plan
  • s  capable of existing or taking place or proving true; possible to do

  • We still dared to prefer the end of life, realizable in every free and happy moment, to the means of keeping the world going faster and faster in an unknown direction.
  • But that future may still be realizable, believe many scientists in and out of NASA who meet now and then to try to imagine the technology that could bring the space age to life.
  • Becoming a millionaire is still an eminently realizable goal for many Americans, and many of them like Over, Mickelson and Maisin start the journey with little or no .

  • Theo Epstein in Boston Herald
    That's in part because of how realizable Alex has been, how good his hands are, how good his arm is, his instincts,said Epstein, "but also in part because of the performance we had early. So that's been a steadying influence on our overall...
  • Susan Schwab in BusinessWeek
    My assessment is if we can translate the sense of urgency into action it is a realizable goal,Schwab said.
  • Michael Oren in Jerusalem Post
    In the past, attempts to impose time frameworks have not proved either realizable or helpful,Ambassador to Washington Michael Oren told The Jerusalem Post.

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