ragtime :

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  • n  music with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano)

  • Some people think that ragtime started with Irving Berlin's Alexander's Ragtime Band.
  • Morath's bowdlerized ragtime first appeared on a television show called The Ragtime Era, for the National Educational Television Center.
  • Ragtime: Like ragtime, Doctorow's book is a native American fugue, rhythmic, melodic and stately.
News & Articles

  • Scott Joplin Ragtime Festival
    The last of the participants in the Scott Joplin Ragtime Festival fashion contest, from left, Maxine Griggs, of Sedalia, Lakisha Williams and her son Dakota, 5, of Sedalia, and Gene McPherson, of Sturgis, South Dakota, walk to the Stark Pavilion for the announcement of the winners. Griggs won a second place, the Williamses won two first places and McPherson picked up a first place.
    June 9, 2013 - Sedalia Democrat
  • Dr. Dave Majchrzak keeps downtown teeming with ragtime
    Downtown Sedalia teemed with ragtime music this week.
    June 8, 2013 - Sedalia Democrat
  • Columbia will restore ragtime pioneer's home
    City purchased J.W. "Blind" Boone's former home in 2000 COLUMBIA, Mo.-- The city of Columbia will spend $326,000 to repair the former home of pioneering ragtime composer J.W. "Blind" Boone. The City Council approved the funding this week to renovate the interior and build a garden at the downtown building.
    June 7, 2013 - KY3 Springfield

  • Big Boi in NobodySmiling.com
    The original production, which we all loved, seemed to favor the spectacle a bit more and playing the Ford Center (now the Hilton) was certainly not an intimate experience. But make no mistake, this new production of `Ragtime' is still quite... Stephen Flaherty http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Flaherty&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNGsi-QOxf5dP0X-vZJ-aQ6KZvUhGQ Washington Post http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/07/01/AR2009070102173.html&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNFP15yyjcZBhwhP3w4KgFdy6qasGQ Jul 1, 2009 80022 107898 ragtime Just with the Ragtime feel. It's hip-hop. It's OutKast," Big Boi said. "It is what we've been doing for years. Some songs have a little more piano or whatever, but the whole project was a natural progression from a double CD. It was like,...
  • Marcia Ball in Lincoln Journal Star
    It began with my grandmother, her ragtime piano and her Tin Pan Alley sheet music from my childhood,said Ball, who began playing when she was a little girl. "It then went through all the New Orleans guys I grew up listening to. The...

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