r to a degree (not used with a negative)
quite tasty quite soon quite ill quite rich
r to the greatest extent; completely
you're quite right she was quite alone was quite mistaken quite the opposite not quite finished did not quite make it
r of an unusually noticeable or exceptional or remarkable kind (not used with a negative)
her victory was quite something she's quite a girl quite a film quite a walk we've had quite an afternoon
r actually or truly or to an extreme
was quite a sudden change it's quite the thing to do quite the rage
Can The World Afford Higher Interest Rates? That's the end of QE tapering talk then? Not quite, but it should die down somewhat, give U.S. Fed Reserve conduit Jon Hilsenrath's latest kiss-and-tell article in The Wall Street Journal. Thankfully, it might also stop all the blather about the U.S. and global economies recovering (they're not) and this being the end of the bond bull market (premature). What most investors fail to realise is ...
June 15, 2013 - Forbes
AMERICA SLIPS ITS BONDS There has never been an American moment quite like Project Mercury.It was one of the great undertakings of American power, one of the great expressions of American ingenuity, one of the great successes of American engineering, one of the great statements of American daring -- and one of the great dividing lines in modern American culture.If you know what Project Mercury was, the passion it ...
June 15, 2013 - David Shribman via Yahoo! News
Sepp Blatter in CNN International Blatter told a media briefing in Johannesburg: "It happened in 1966 and then 44 years later -- though it was not quite the same," the UK's Press Association reported.
John Paul Stevens in The Australian However, in a parting shot, Justice Stevens wrote that the majority's decision could prove to be "far more destructive - quite literally - to our nation's communities and to our constitutional structure".
James Dolan in Arizona Republic I think I probably got the biggest grin on my face I've had in quite some time at that point,Dolan said. "It takes courage to play where the lights shine the brightest. It takes leadership and character and competence to step up and say...