quagga :

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  • n  mammal of South Africa that resembled a zebra; extinct since late 19th century

  • The Tasmanian wolf, the great auk and the quagga are no longer candidates for petsor even zoos.
News & Articles

  • Mussel detection funds approved by supervisors
    LAKEPORT -- The Lake County Board of Supervisors approved $1,300 from the Fish and Wildlife fund to be used toward early detection of quagga and zebra mussels in Clear Lake Tuesday morning.
    July 10, 2013 - The Lake County Record-Bee

  • Harry Reid in Nevada Appeal
    The quagga mussels, in addition to other non-native species, pose a threat to Southern Nevada,said Reid in a press statement. "As the mussels cling to the walls and water intake pipes in Lake Mead, they clog the flow of fresh water and...

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