He gave us a preview of his trapeze act when he presumptuously chastised Notre Dame for inviting Barack Obama to be a graduation speaker and accused the President of being anti .
The Asians who will attend this year's presumptuously titled Asia-Europe Meeting, or asem, a forum launched in Bangkok two years ago, maintain a rather narrow definition of Asia.
His tendency to use big rhetoric in front of big crowds led to McCain's one good spell, after Obama presumptuously spoke to a huge throng in Berlin after his successful Middle East .
Breathless Tech Writers Lash Out At Sarah Lacy For Daring To Say Unions Should Value Hard Work Perhaps you have been following the kerfuffle surrounding technology entrepreneur Sarah Lacy who recently incurred the wrath of a panting legion which fancies itself defenders of the faceless proletariat when she dared criticize San Francisco’s transit workers for going on strike. Lacy’s sin, presumptuously criticizing the slothfulness that unionization repeatedly -- seemingly inevitably ...
July 8, 2013 - Mediaite
John Howard in The Age I don't rule anything out, but I won't want to presumptuously declare that that's going to happen or ought to happen without the matter being discussed with the East Timorese,Mr Howard told ABC TV.
Evelyn Waugh in Telegraph.co.uk As Waugh wrote in 1960: "Its theme - the operation of divine grace on a group of diverse but closely connected characters - was perhaps presumptuously large, but I make no apology for it."
Norma McCorvey in ProLife Blogs (blog) Norma McCorvey said, "In 1972, Sarah Weddington argued in the courts, presumptuously on my behalf, that women should be allowed to obtain a legal abortion. The courts did not ask whether I knew what I was asking for. The abortion decision that...