Subpop records, Nirvana's label and grunge music's cradle, turns 25 Back in 2005, soon after then-Mayor Greg Nickels officially acknowledged pop music was a big deal in Seattle by adding music to the Office of Film, newly hired director James Keblas brought his boss to an industry event.
June 16, 2013 - Denver Post
Backup singers come to the fore A new documentary parts the curtain on background vocalists, the unsung heroes of pop music June 16, 2013 - CBS News
Freedom summer: Critic picks in pop music Freedom summer: Critic picks in pop music Times Union Copyright 2013 Times Union. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Updated 3:52 pm, Wednesday, June 12, 2013 Some of the most expensive tickets this summer, though, are in the special VIP packages for the Sept. 5 Maroon 5 show at Saratoga Performing Arts Center. Songs like "I Don't ...
June 13, 2013 - Albany Times Union