political correctness :

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political correctness

  • n  avoidance of expressions or actions that can be perceived to exclude or marginalize or insult people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against
News & Articles

  • Money is what drives campus imagery issue
    I enjoyed reading the recent Chief "void" column. It's almost laughable, however, to believe the decision was based on anything besides money. Never mind First Amendment rights, honored tradition, free country and democracy; we live in a market-driven society that uses political correctness to serve financial wants. read more
    June 19, 2013 - IlliniHQ.com
  • Extremists Also Exist In Christianity
    To the editor: In Michael Kelly's letter, "Islamic political correctness" (Wednesday Review-Journal), he writes that, "No one is willing to call jihad for what it is, a fanatical fringe of the Islamic religion that is dedicated to spreading through violent
    June 18, 2013 - Las Vegas Review-Journal
  • Jim Dey: Punishing candor will make truth more elusive
    In an age of sickening political correctness and strategic faux outrage, it's getting tough on people who like to lighten things up with a joke or two. In an age of sickening political correctness and strategic faux outrage, it's getting tough on people who like to lighten things up with a joke or two. Just ask Gordon Gee, the soon-to-be-former president of Ohio State University. He's a guy who ...
    June 15, 2013 - IlliniHQ.com

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