pluralist :

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  • n  a cleric who holds more than one benefice at a time
  • n  a philosopher who believes that no single explanation can account for all the phenomena of nature
  • n  someone who believes that distinct ethnic or cultural or religious groups can exist together in society

  • A document that wants to reflect a pluralist Europe and offend no one, the draft acknowledges a "spiritual impulse always present in Europe's heritage.
  • We need to support those who are looking for a new way forward in a pluralist world rather than undercutting their opinions.
  • The numbers have grown, but the very fact that each day over a billion Indians govern themselves in a pluralist democracy is testimony to the deeds and words of these two men.

  • Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Times Online
    Democracy has passed a very important test,Mr Erdogan said. "Whoever you have voted for . . . we respect your choices. We regard your differences as part of our pluralist democracy. It is our responsibility to safeguard this richness."
  • Fakhruddin Ahmed in Times Online
    Given continuing high levels of violence in Iraq and few manifestations of political compromise among Iraq's factions, the optimal outcome in Iraq of a unified, pluralist, democratic government that is able to police itself, protect its borders,... John Warner Guardian Unlimited,,-6778081,00.html&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNGq-93_nuFvxwj5Pdu5qbKssUpJGA Jul 13, 2007 75431 101788 pluralist We firmly believe by the end of this year we will be able to develop a pluralist system in the country which will reflect the hopes and aspirations of the 145 million people of the country," Fakhruddin Ahmed, leader of the interim Government,...

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